Nov. 29, 1999 Dear Makers of
PhonicsTutor: I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your wonderful phonics program. My son was born with some neurological problems. Learning to read was proving to be extremely difficult. He was advancing well in Science, Math, etc. as long as the information was read to him, and he was not required to write. The skills necessary to write were not developing any faster than his reading. Then came PhonicsTutor. It combined his LOVE for the computer, and his ability to type the things he had so much trouble writing, and gave him a way to achieve success! Naturally, progress was very slow at first. But because it was on computer, he could go back to it when he was ready, even if I was now busy with something else. The first year my son used it, we made modest but steady progress. But the following year, he too off. He gained over two grade levels that year. This year, he is almost at the jr. high level he should be. We are reading books together like Madeline L�Engle�s, "A Wrinkle In Time". And he is enjoying what he is getting out of books. He still can read only for short periods of time, but even that is increasing slowly and steadily. I can not thank you enough for your program. It allowed him the freedom to sit down with it for longer periods of time when he was having a good day, and to use it for shorter periods when he was having a bad day. He was not dependent on my schedule. That has been such a blessing. He has truly been able to progress at his own pace, and not be held back by my time constraints. I am going to be looking for more teaching programs for him in the future. I am sure he is not the only boy in America that has the patience to sit at the keyboard, when he can�t seem to sit at the table and study from a book. And we can still sit together and enjoy reading, but now he can read along with me, and take whole pages and read them out loud to me! What freedom you have given him. May God richly bless you for the time you spent creating this program, and sharing it with families like us. While it was not necessary for our daughter, who was reading at age 5, I can truly say I am not sure if my son would be reading past an early elementary level yet, it if weren�t for this program. Sincerely, Lori Galena |